• Email: aiss@applied-computing.net
  • Tel: +852 63592147 (English) 13502461341 (Chinese)
  • Wechat: 13502461341
  • QQ: 2056773349


Topics of Interest

Contributed papers are solicited describing original works in Advanced Information Science and System. Topics and technical areas of interest include but are not limited to the following:

Advances in Image Processing and Colorization
Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Agent Based Computing
Business Information Technology
Big Data Analytics
Cryptography and Security Systems
Cyber-Physical Systems
Computational Optimization
Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
Frontiers in Network Applications and Web Services
Gamification Software for Education and Enterprises
Information Technologies for Logistics
Information Technology
Innovative Network Systems and Applications
Information Systems Management
Information Technologies for Management
Information Technology for Management
Internet of Things
Knowledge Acquisition and Management
Language Technologies and Applications
Lean and Agile Software Development
Multimedia Applications and Processing
Multimedia, Interaction, Design and Innovation
Programming Languages
Systems and Simulations
Semantic Information Retrieval
Smart Energy Networks and Multi-Agent Systems
Scalable Computing
Wireless Sensor Networks